December 31, 1952 Dr.
Joseph E. Fields
Medical Arts Building Joliet, Ill. Dear Dr. Fields: The Arthur Middleton letter, a copy of which you so kindly sent to me, is of greater worth than perhaps you may think it to be. The "charge" referred to in the letter was the charge that Drayton gave to a Grand Jury at Charleston on the 23rd day of April, 1776. On motion of the Attorney General, on May 2, 1776, the court ordered the charge to be printed. The words "prosperous seal" pro- bably refers to the fact that a copy went to Middleton under the seal of John Colcock, Clerk of the Circuit Court. It is likely that the Clerk made a copy of the charge to be forwarded to Middleton, and that after it was made it was decided to have it published in pamphlet form. It is likely that a manuscript copy was forwarded to Middleton before the printer completed his work. The "plant which you have been nursing has thriven amazingly" means that the "plant", independence which Drayton had been nursing had at last grown into a Declaration of Independence. The phrase "its roots as reach'd this place and sprung up in full vigour" means that the Drayton Grand Jury charge had blossomed out into the Declara- tion of Independence. The fruit was hanging from that "plant". The "fruit" from Drayton's tree had ripened on 12 branches and the 13th was in "full blossom". Jefferson plucked the fruit from Drayton's tree. where he said "my sentiments upon this subject you shall have soon; in in the meantime enjoy the delicacies of this forbidden fruit, if it has any" is sarcasm that would not indicate any misgivings on the part of Middleton. If we would interpolate after the word "any" the words "for you" the meaning would be self-evident. About all the "delicacies" in the Declaration of Independence, so far as Middleton and Drayton were concerned was the first part of the Declaration of Independence copied from the first three paragraphs of the Virginia Bill of Rights. May I assume that I shall be permitted to quote the first two paragraphs of the Middleton letter, giving full credit, of course? The Drayton charge of April 23, 1776, was printed in Quarto Pamphlet in Charleston on or about May, 3 1776. It was also printed in the London Remembrance 1776 Part II pages 321-330. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My count of clauses and sentences in the grand jury charge borrowed by Jefferson and used in the Declaration of Independence is approximately 30. Jefferson made many changes in an effort to disguise, but he failed miserably, if we give impartial consideration to all of the evidence. In an earlier charge, a copy of which was sent on to John Hancock by John Rutledge, the following phrase appears: "All men are created free and equal." Drayton's April charge contained what I now refer to as John Locke's "train". It also contains the misspelled word "unalienable". You have furnished the last bit of evidence that I need. Everything that I shall say in my article that deals with the subject will be consistent with everything that Jefferson ever said about the Declaration of Independence. You will recall that at no time did he claim originality. He denied that it was original. He described some of the sources from which he did not draw from. Nothing that he said is inconsistent with the fact that he drew at least three-fourths of the contents of the Declaration of Independence from Mason and Drayton. Yours very sincerely,